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Ann Gordon-Chang, ravnateljica

Maria Samolis, pomoćnica ravnatelja

Sabrina C. Parada, pomoćnica ravnatelja

Home: Welcome
School Application


Ako ste primili pismo ponude i želite prijaviti svoje dijete na PS85Q, nazovite gospođu Amato na 718.278.3630 kako biste razgovarali o zakazivanju termina za registraciju.  Molimo pogledajte našu karticu Upisi kako biste bili sigurni da imate svu papirologiju potrebnu za upis.   Upis će se odvijati putem konferencije s Google Meetom.

PRE-K  and 3K
Beginning on May 14 for pre-K and May 16 for 3-K, you and your staff with account access will be able to review your waitlist screen in MySchools. Once the waitlist is available, you will be able to indicate acceptances and declinations on your waitlist screen. Families who applied online will also be able to accept or decline their offer using their account, which will also be reflected on your waitlist.    



  • Procedura za novi jutarnji dolazak :

    • Pred-K i Dječji vrtić ulazit će kroz vrtni prostor Izlaz 4 od 8:30 do 8:40 sati.

    • Razredi 1-5 ulazit će kroz izlaz 3 od 8:20 do 8:30 ujutro u stražnjem dijelu škole.


    • Razredi od 1. do 5. stajat će pored svoje označene oznake straga i čekati svoje roditelje za otpuštanje sa svojim učiteljima.

    • Vrijeme otpuštanja:

    • 1. razred - 14.45 sati

    • 2. razred - 14.45 sati

    • 3. razred - 14.45 sati

    • 4. razred - 14.47 sati

    • 5. razred - 14.47 sati

    • Svi će slijediti strelicu na podu za izlazak straga.

Chancellor's Initiatives

NYC Reads initiative, a historic shift in the way we teach NYC school kids to read. NYC Reads will bring science-of-reading and phonics-based learning methods to all public school students, starting with early childhood programs and elementary schools through high school graduation.

The program will be implemented over the course of the next two years and will be split into two phases. Approximately $35 million will be invested next year into training and coaching for teachers to successfully get the curriculum into their classrooms and address their students’ needs. To read more 

Welcome to our school website! Here, you'll find valuable information about our school, including academic programs and important announcements. Feel free to navigate through the pages to discover all that our school has to offer. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy browsing! 🏫🌐

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Pretplatite se na naš Newsletter kako biste primali informacije i bili uključeni u otvorene forume s našim ravnateljem.

“Siromašan je učenik koji ne nadmašuje svog učitelja.”

Leonardo da Vinci

23-70 31. ulica
Astoria, NY 11105

PH:   718.278.3630

FAKS: 718.278.8312

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©2020, PS85Q Škola sudaca Charlesa J. Vallonea.

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